Cut n' Mix User Guide Experimental Theory Texts Music
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ULTRA Function: Ideas for Naming companies, domain names, bands etc...

Finding a name for a new business or rock band usually involves a process of randomly combining words. Cut 'n' Mix can automate this process. Here is a quick example: Lets say you wanted to come up with a name for a web site having to do with high tech or computing. The first track is filled with some "high tech" words off-the-top-of-your-head:

Next, enter some complimentary words that might seem like logical combinations:

Click a glue button on one of the tracks and try several mixes. Here are some of the better ones that popped up in this quick example:

Then, how about adding some extra twists to the names that appear by 1.) opening a new track 2.) generating a random pool of words 3.) fragmenting the words into 5-letter pieces 3.) applying glue in the mix.

-example of newly added track 3; a randmom FILL which has been fragmented:

In the course of several new permutations, these are some of the words which were generated: